MadTech Glossary – October ’23

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MadTech Glossary

MadTech Glossary – October ’23

October 11, 2023
» by
Himanshu Sharma

The MadTech (Marketing and Advertising Tech) world is ever-booming. With every second gone, millions are using its applications, and thousands are being introduced to it. To understand this world, one needs to be aware of the various terminologies, and since Oxford hasn’t stepped up, we have taken it upon ourselves.

The MadTech Glossary is comprised of the vocabulary to know better the many wheels of marketing and advertising tech. Read and learn about ten terms every month to pioneer a deep understanding of essential MadTech concepts.

1. Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate disclosure refers to a legal requirement or ethical practice where individuals or entities publicly disclose their financial relationships with a product, service, or company they are promoting or endorsing. It aims to provide transparency to consumers by informing them that the content creator or promoter may receive compensation or benefits if the audience takes certain actions, such as purchasing through an affiliate link. This disclosure helps maintain trust and ensures that consumers are aware of potential biases in the recommendations or endorsements they encounter.

2. ARPDAU – Average Revenue Per Daily Active User

ARPDAU is a key performance indicator in the mobile app and gaming industry. It calculates the average revenue generated from each user who engages with an app daily. This metric helps app developers and businesses measure the effectiveness of monetization strategies and user engagement. A higher ARPDAU often indicates better monetization success, while a lower ARPDAU may suggest the need for adjustments in pricing, advertising, or in-app purchases.

3. ATT – App Tracking Transparency

App Tracking Transparency is a privacy feature introduced by Apple on iOS devices. It gives users the choice to allow or deny apps from tracking their activity across other apps and websites for targeted advertising purposes. When users opt-out it restricts the data that can be collected and shared with third-party advertisers, enhancing user privacy and control over their personal information.

4. Android Privacy Sandbox

The Android Privacy Sandbox is an initiative by Google to enhance user privacy in the Android ecosystem. Similar to Apple’s App Tracking Transparency, it aims to restrict the tracking and sharing of user data for advertising purposes. It introduces privacy-preserving technologies and standards that allow advertisers to reach their target audience while minimizing the exposure of individual user data, thereby safeguarding user privacy.

5. CDP – Customer Data Platform

 A Customer Data Platform is a software solution that aggregates and centralizes customer data from various sources, such as websites, apps, CRM systems, and more. It creates unified customer profiles, enabling businesses to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. CDPs are crucial for personalized marketing, customer segmentation, and delivering tailored experiences, as they provide a comprehensive view of customer data, making it accessible for analysis and engagement strategies.

6. DAM – Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management refers to the organization, storage, retrieval, and distribution of digital assets like images, videos, documents, and creative files. DAM systems streamline asset management workflows, making it easier for businesses to store, find, and share digital content. They are essential for marketing teams, creative agencies, and organizations with large collections of digital assets, ensuring efficient asset usage and maintaining brand consistency.

7. RMN – Retail Media Network

A Retail Media Network is a platform operated by retailers to monetize their digital advertising inventory. These networks offer brands the opportunity to advertise directly to their target audiences within the retailer’s ecosystem, such as on their websites or apps. RMNs leverage their consumer data and insights to provide advertisers with precise targeting options, driving sales and enhancing the shopping experience.

8. Bidstream Data

Bidstream data is information generated during the real-time bidding process in digital advertising. When an ad impression becomes available, advertisers bid on it, and bidstream data includes details about the impression, such as the user’s device, location, and browsing history. Advertisers use this data to make informed bidding decisions and deliver targeted ads. However, concerns about privacy and data accuracy have led to increased scrutiny and regulatory measures in the use of bidstream data.

9. OEM Advertising

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) advertising involves partnerships between manufacturers and brands to promote products or services on the manufacturer’s devices or hardware. This form of advertising often includes pre-installed apps, software, or branded content on devices, such as smartphones, laptops, or smart TVs. OEM advertising helps brands reach a wider audience by leveraging the popularity and distribution of the manufacturer’s products.

10. PMP – Private Marketplace

A Private Marketplace is a curated, invitation-only platform within the digital advertising ecosystem. It allows premium publishers to offer their ad inventory to a select group of advertisers or buyers. PMPs provide more control and transparency compared to open exchanges, enabling publishers to maintain pricing and quality standards while advertisers access high-quality, targeted ad inventory. This approach ensures a more secure and brand-safe environment for programmatic advertising transactions.