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Basic Tools for Mobile App Marketing You Must Know

Mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s for social networking, shopping, productivity, or entertainment, there seems to be an app for everything.

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Programmatic and Machine Learning – The Dawn of a New Age in Digital Advertising

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option; it’s a necessity. Traditional methods of ad buying are giving way to more advanced and data-driven approaches, with programmatic advertising and machine learning leading the charge.

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Programmatic Advertising in the Era of Voice Search and Smart Speakers

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for brands and advertisers. One of the most prominent shifts in recent years has been the rise of voice search and smart speakers, and this has significantly impacted programmatic advertising.

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Unveiling the Role of Blockchain in Programmatic Advertising

The exciting world of programmatic advertising is all about targeting the right audience with the perfect ad, but it’s not without its challenges—hello, ad fraud and transparency issues. And who’s here to save the day?

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Ad Retargeting Done Right: Tips to be Engaging and Not Annoying

Have you ever visited an online store, browsed through a few products, and then suddenly found those exact products following you around the internet? If so, you’ve experienced ad retargeting, a powerful digital marketing strategy.

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Targeting Made Better: 5 Exercises to Decode Your TG

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, one thing remains as important as your morning cup of coffee: knowing your target audience, aka your TG. They’re the folks who can turn your marketing dreams into reality, so understanding them inside out is kind of a big deal.

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Buy It Like It’s Hot: 10 Real-Time Benefits of Real-Time Bidding

Ever wondered how the ads that magically appear while you’re browsing the web know exactly what you’re into? It’s like they can read your mind, right? Well, welcome to the world of Real-time Bidding (RTB), where advertising becomes a thrilling real-time auction, and your online experience gets a whole lot more personalized.

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MadTech Glossary – September ’23

The MadTech (Marketing and Advertising Tech) world is ever-booming. With every second gone, millions are using its applications, and thousands are being introduced to it.

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Preventing Content Spinning in the Era of GPT: Top 5 Tools

Content rules supreme in the digital advertising world, and staying original and true to your brand’s (or client’s) voice has become the holy grail. But let’s talk about a sneaky little trick that’s been causing a ruckus lately – content spinning.

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Performance Not Performing? 5 Common Mistakes That Push Your Campaign Down

Picture this: you’ve got your marketing game face on, ready to dive into the world of performance campaigns. You’re aiming to score big with clicks, conversions, and all that good stuff. But hold up – sometimes things don’t exactly go as planned, right? 

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